Get advice on planting saffron in the Netherlands from King Business.
This company provides training on how to plant saffron in the Netherlands and other European countries.
Pieces of training are in person and online.

How to plant saffron in the Netherlands
How to plant saffron in the Netherlands

Is the weather of Rotterdam suitable for saffron?

Saffron is a subtropical plant.
This plant grows well in areas with mild winters and hot and dry summers.
The resistance of saffron against the cold is high and they tolerate temperatures up to minus 20 degrees Celsius.
The maximum temperature tolerated by this plant is 40 degrees Celsius.
These conditions do not match the climate of Rotterdam and saffron should be planted in a fully controlled environment.

According to the weather conditions of this region, you can plant red gold in 2 ways:

How to plant saffron in the Netherlands

  1. Planting saffron in the ground
  2. Cultivation of saffron in greenhouse
    But to collect a good product, we need to work scientifically.
    You can receive specialized training from King Business.

What is the quality of saffron that is planted in the Netherlands?

Our planting method and how expertly you work to determine the final quality.
The price of saffron in the market is between 4 and 5 thousand euros per kilo.
as a rule; Saffrons that had a better planting process are sold at a higher rate.
King Business Company operates in the field of planting and producing saffron and selling saffron throughout the international market.

What is the quality of saffron that is planted in the Netherlands?
What is the quality of saffron that is planted in the Netherlands?

Advice on planting saffron in the Netherlands

According to the existing conditions, the importance of specialized planting of saffron is increasing.
You can get consulting accounts from King Business.
In this way, you can enter this job with complete information.
Consultations are included from the time of starting the work until after the collection of saffron.

Buy saffron bulbs

King Business Company offers quality saffron bulbs from 1 gram weight and 2.5 cm size to 15 gram saffron bulbs to you saffron farmers.
Saffron cultivation in Rotterdam is done in the countryside and the villages.
But some people were able to plant saffron in a greenhouse-style under the supervision of King Business Company.
You can establish a saffron greenhouse from 20 meters and above areas.

Training for saffron production

This company provides training at different levels and in different ways.
So that you can receive training on how to plant saffron in the Netherlands in person or online.
Also, the courses are at introductory and advanced levels.
To get more information and register for training classes, just contact our company’s consultants.

Training for saffron production
Training for saffron production

Educational video of planting saffron in the greenhouse environment

Another method of providing training in King Business is training videos.
These videos are categorized and have different topics.
You can receive all or part of the training that is relevant to you.
Also, in dedicated consulting accounts, your space is visited.

Saffron planting training files

Complete training on saffron planting and production from the first stage to the time of saffron collection, King Business Company is by your side.
In these educational files, you will receive the preparations for starting work.

  • What equipment and devices are needed?
  • Will the King company buy the saffron that we plant?
  • What is the minimum required size?
  • How much is the price per kilo of saffron?
  • When is the best time to start our work?.

Fill out the form to get the price of saffron and buy saffron
Please enter your mobile phone number and email address carefully so that our colleagues in Safran Sales can contact you. (Call pure saffron sales and wholesaling premium saffron +4917687913876

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