Bangladesh with more than 160 million population is one of the saffron consuming country in the Asia.
most of the saffron get imported into this country is done as bulk and as well as partial.
what is actually the price of saffron in Bangladesh?
Importing saffron to Bangladesh
the price of saffron depends on the types saffron and quality of saffron in the saffron market.
Please contact us to buy saffron

Saffron in Dhaka Market
Saffron business in Dhaka is more valuable and profitable therefore our Company saffron king Business has paved the way for all our costumers to buy saffron per kilo and saffron in bulk.
Delivery of saffron to Dhaka is mainly done by air as well as ground.

Price of saffron (Zafran)
Price of saffron depends on the situation of the saffron Markets and different types of saffron. As Bangladesh is one of the Asian countries which in most saffron is used. Our company supplies its customers the best saffron it means the most consumed saffron in the Bangladesh with the reasonable price. Price starts from 650€ to 1000€ depends on the type of saffron and the quality of saffron.

Sales of Iranian saffron
As you may know all Iran is one the biggest suppliers of saffron in the world. Iran sales the one of the best saffron in saffron market. Buying saffron as a wholesale is more profitable than buying saffron as per retails therefore our company is able to supply you saffron in big amounts.
Our company paved the way for its customer in Bangladesh to buy saffron either in big amounts or small amount.

Export of Iranian saffron
Would you like to buy Best Iranian saffron? We Export the best saffron to Bangladesh Our customers enjoy the good services our company. it is to mention that our supplying capacity of saffron is 5 tons of saffron manually, we deliver saffron to your door steps or any where you want in the country or outside your country.