What is the purchase price of exporting saffron in Iran and abroad?
Day price list of kilo Saffron in Euro and dollars on the Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies has been updated.
What is the price of saffron in the market of saffron wholesalers and what is the price of saffron per gram in the market of saffron?
In the following we will consider the features of the best saffron for export in the center’s exporting saffron sales.

Day Price list of saffron per kilo

Price list of saffron per kilo

In this section you will find the day price list of saffron per kilo.
Here below you see the day price list for saffron:
1. Saffron prices
2. Price of 2 quality grade of saffron (exporting and first class)
3. Prices in Euro for delivery in Iran and exporting prices in USD and EUR for delivery in destination country
4. Exporting prices as CIF.
5. The price of exporting saffron varies according to the order quantity.
In the following you can see the price of saffron in weights from 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg and choose your desired.

Buy saffron from saffron market

Today’s price for saffron per gram

What is the day price of saffron per gram?
What is the day price of saffron per gram in different cities?
Here we will consider today’s price of saffron per gram at Saffron King Business Companies.
Saffron King Business Companies are manufacturer and exporter of kilo saffron, but is also active in the partial sales of saffron.
If you order saffron, we can offer you saffron on circulation in different weights and packaging. (Minimum circulation is 1000)
The price of saffron per gram varies according to market conditions.

Today's price for saffron per gram

Cost of saffron in the market

What is the purchase price of Saffron from Saffron King Business Companies?
The price of buying saffron from Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies is almost constant over  a month and does not fluctuate, or it is much lower than the market for saffron sales.
We produce saffron and cultivate saffron in Iran and Afghanistan.
The production section of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies consists of:

If you want to buy saffron in  your country , other Asian countries and in Europe we offer you the best saffron right now. +31613963190 +31644341144

Today's price for saffron per gram

What is the best price of saffron ?

What is the secret to success in Dubai’s saffron market?
Saffron King Business Companies operate in Dubai and other countries.
We have many years of experience in manufacturing and exporting to different countries:
Every market demands a certain type and a certain quality of saffron.
For example, the export of Super Negin saffron, which is the highest, is not suitable for operation in all countries and markets.
That’s why we can present you the most used saffron that we supply in this market.

Which is the best saffron for export?

Saffron King Business Company

1.Our agricultural farmers (based on the experience of the company in different countries) produce different types of saffron in varying degrees of quality, according to the demand of each country and the particular market.
2. And also proud to work with a group of hardworking and dear farmers who are part of our collection.
So we can present you the types of exporting saffron that harvests this year.
The purchase price of saffron this month is different from the previous month and the next month.

Saffron King Business Company
Saffron King Business Company

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