The purchase price of premium saffron is more appropriate than other saffron and is the best option for economic actors.
Here, we will review the purchase price of Ghaenat premium saffron in weights of 1 to 100 kg in this Sargol saffron export sales center.

Purchase price of saffron
Here is the price list of Ghaenat premium saffron as well as the purchase price of exporting saffron in different weights.
In the table below, we will see the prices of saffron traded in the market.
The price of Sargol saffron per kilo has the least fluctuation compared to other saffron.
The average trading price of Sargol Mumtaz saffron is between 1000 and 1115 dollars.

Ghaenat best saffron price
But the price of exporting saffron and especially exporting Sargol saffron is higher than premium saffron or other saffron.
In general, the purchase price of Sargol saffron per kilo varies according to its 4 degrees of quality.
In the table below, you will see the purchase price of exporting saffron and select the option you want.
Saffron King Business company produces and markets a part of its products for different countries based on the components of the same market.

Sargol Saffron Sales Center
This type of saffron has the highest coloring power after Negin.
Due to the fact that it has a better price than Negin and Super Negin saffron, it has a large number of fans.
Of course, the price of saffron in the market varies somewhat depending on its quality and the services provided by different companies.

Cost of saffron per kilo
As you know, saffron, in any kind, is cheaper when it is bought and sold in bulk.
Because the amount of saffron or any other commodity is mainly less.
For example, the price of one gram with one kilogram of saffron and 10 kilograms with 100 kilograms of saffron are different.
We are a wholesaler of saffron and we offer you the best type of saffron we produce anywhere in the world.

How to buy saffron per kilo?
The lowest weight that is traded in buying and selling saffron is 250 grams.
Why is this value set?
- With this amount, it is possible to check the purity of saffron before buying a kilo of saffron
- In the field of purchasing kilo saffron and exporting bulk saffron, the volume of saffron is very important in the final costs, because saffron has different types and volumes, with this amount, the volume of saffron can be checked well.

Saffron price in quantity
Purchase price of Ghaenat premium saffron, Sargol Saffron exporting saffron sales center and price of kilo saffron
The purchase price of premium saffron is more appropriate than other saffron and is the best option for economic actors.
Here, we will review the purchase price of Ghaenat premium saffron in weights of 1 to 100 kg in this exporting Sargol saffron sales center.