Spain is one of the main centers of saffron production in the world.
The price of saffron in Spain depends on several factors.
The type of premium saffron and how it is presented to the saffron market is one of the influential factors in the price of saffron in Spain.
For example, the price of Mancha saffron in Spain is higher than the price of Iranian saffron.
Also, the price of premium saffron in packaging is usually more expensive than the selling price per kilogram of exported saffron. types of premium Iranian saffron are regularly updated on the sites of this online saffron store.
Please contact us to buy saffron
Sale and export of saffron to Spain
It was said that Spain is one of the most important producers of saffron in the world.
Now the question arises whether the sale and export of saffron to Spain is economically justified?
The answer should be: Yes.
Spain has activated its full potential for the production, packaging and distribution of saffron.
It imports Iranian red gold in bulk and exports it to all countries in various packages.
On the other hand, the quality of Iranian saffron on companies and saffron traders in this country is quite clear.
Therefore, the sale and export of Iranian saffron to Spain is of great importance.
saffron King Business Company is one of the most prestigious European brands that sells and exports saffron to Spain.
The price of 1 gram packed saffron in Spain
As mentioned, Spain has activated all its potential in the field of saffron.
The pure saffron packaging industry in Spain is very advanced and diverse.
Packaging of Iranian saffron with low weights of 1 gram package of premium saffron is very common in Spain.
The price of 1 gram saffron in Spain varies depending on the type of premium saffron packaging.
Also, the type of packaged saffron has a direct effect on the price of 1 gram packaged saffron in Spain.
saffron King Business store, all kinds of premium Iranian saffron in packages:
Packaging of saffron 0.25 g of pure saffron
Saffron in a package of 0.50 grams of Ghaenat saffron
And it offers 1 gram package of original saffron to the Spanish market with the production price.
Price per kilo of saffron in Barcelona
The sale of kilograms of saffron in Spain has a good market.
The price of each kilo of saffron in Barcelona depends on a number of factors.
Certainly, the most reputable Iranian saffron companies offer a higher quality product.
The high quality of Iranian saffron plays an important role in the price of each kilogram of saffron in Barcelona.
The price of one kilo of saffron in saffron King business store is 890 €.
This price is very reasonable compared to the pricing of other Iranian saffron distribution companies.
Wholesale price of saffron and saffron King business store
saffron King Business Store annually exports large quantities of premium Iranian bulk saffron to Spain.
premium saffron is known and popular in Spain.
As we all know, the wholesale price of cheap Iranian saffron is cheaper than the partial sale price of original saffron.
Meanwhile, in the discussion of trade and export of Iranian saffron, the wholesale and kilogram sales of pure saffron always play the leading role.
We remind you that saffron King Business Company is a producer of Iranian saffron.
Therefore, the wholesale price of Iranian saffron and price of original saffron per gram in this online store is the production price.