What is the purchase price of Iranian saffron in dollars?
Here we will consider the price of saffron per kilo in the market as well as the selling price of saffron per gram and the method of buying original saffron.
But what is the price difference of different types of saffron?
In the following, we will answer these questions and also compare the price of Iranian saffron with Afghan saffron.
Price of saffron per kilo
What is the buying and selling rate of saffron in the saffron market?
We are a producer of saffron, so the prices of this company will not fluctuate often during a month.
In the following, you can see the price list of kg saffron in the weights of 1 to 10 kg, 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg and select the option you want.
Selling price of saffron per gram
The price of saffron in the field of saffron retail varies in different cities.
The average price of saffron per gram in the market is between 3 and 8 euros.
These prices are different in saffron brands as well as different saffron packages.
As we mentioned before, Saffron King Business is a wholesaler of saffron and also operates in the retail market through saffron sales agents some different cities.
How to buy original saffron?
Buying and selling saffron in the saffron market has its own rules.
There are 2 general rules for buying original saffron per kilogram:
- The lowest purchase amount of saffron in the wholesale field is 1 kg.
- The amount of sample sent for bulk saffron is 250 grams.
Difference in cost of saffron
When buying saffron, you must have seen different prices.
They are often sold as first-class saffron but at different prices.
But what is the main reason for the difference in prices?
In the following, we will consider 12 types of saffron.
But, for example, the saffron of like Negin type has 4 degrees of quality.
The price of each type of saffron and its different qualities are different from each other.
Saffron King Business Company operates as a major saffron sales center in Europe and other countries.
The types of saffron that are produced in this center are:
- Saffron type of Negin (Super Negin- Exporting Negin- Ordinary Negin- like Negin)
- Saffron type of Sargol (exporting Sargol- first class Sargol-excellent Sargol- premium Sargol)
- Saffron type of Pushal (exporting Pushal-pen Pushal-ordinary Pushal-weak Pushal)
Saffron sale in the market
In the above section, we talked about the types of saffron and its quality grades.
Here is an important secret.
Each of the 12 types of saffron is first class in its kind. But which saffron can we export?
Exporting saffron is produced and exported separately in Saffron King Business Company for each market and each country.
Dear friends, to buy exporting saffron, you can contact our experts and have your order delivered in the destination country.
Price list of saffron
On average, the price of a kilo of ordinary saffron is about 52000 Afghanis, the price of another type of first-class saffron is about 61000 Afghanis, and the price of exporting saffron is about 74000 Afghanis.
In general, the purchase price of saffron in Afghanistan is traded in dollars and Afghanis.
Exports of Afghan and Iranian saffron are done by this group of companies.
Saffron price- Iranian saffron- Buying Saffron-Original saffron- Exporting saffron
Price of Iranian saffron to buy original saffron, the price of exporting saffron per kilo
Price of Iranian & Afghan saffron
What is the purchase price of Iranian saffron in Tomans and dollars?
Here we will consider the price of saffron per kilo in the market as well as the selling price of saffron per gram and the method of buying original saffron and mesqali saffron.
But what is the price difference of different types of saffron?
Do you think first class saffron is the same as exporting saffron?
Compare the price of Iranian saffron with Afghan saffron…….