How much is the purchase price of saffron in Tehran today?
Below we will compare today’s price list of kilo saffron and day price of saffron per gram in Tehran market and Mashhad market.
Day price List of Kilo Saffron by experts in Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies is regularly uploaded on our site and our telegram channel.
Saffron purchase price in Tehran
Saffron purchase price in Tehran and Mashhad doesn’t have different;
Tehran as the capital and very ideal business position has led many businessmen and economic activists in this city to set up their own business office in addition to market activities;
Saffron Partial at the market
But in the case of partial sales of saffron, the price of buying saffron in Mashhad and Tehran is very different;
In Mashhad the prices of saffron are different under different factors;
Below we will examine the factors affecting the price of saffron;
Due to the religious and commercial position of Mashhad, most of the saffron sales are mainly and retail in the city.
Today’s price for saffron kilo in Tehran and Mashhad
What is the cost of saffron per kilo?
In general, the price of a kilo of saffron in the wholesale market is between 9,000,000 and 14,000,000 Toman
In the following day price of saffron is in the weights of 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg respectively.
Orders over 100kg will be shipped in 100kg parts.
value of saffron
1. Prices vary by type of saffron
2. The price of saffron varies by order. (in the following is the price of saffron for weights of 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg respectively).
3. We are a manufacturer of saffron and most prices will not fluctuate within a month.
4. Next, the price of saffron per kilo is given to you in Toman, USD and EUR.
5. If you receive the saffron in Iran, the prices will be in tomans.
6. If we export the saffron to the destination country, prices will be in dollars and euros.
(Costs of customs and customs formalities, insurance, tax, analysis, etc … are calculated on the price of saffron)
Price of saffron per gram in Tehran
What is the price of saffron per gram in Mashhad?
Is the price of saffron per gram different in different cities?
In this section we will look at the price of saffron per gram in Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies.
Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies are manufacturer and exporter of kilo saffron, but is also active in the partial sales of saffron.
So if you order your dear customers, the saffron will be presented to you in circulation and in different weight packaging. (Minimum circulation 1000)
The price of saffron per gram varies according to market conditions.
Factors influencing saffron price
Factors that increase the price of saffron per gram include:
1. Type and quality of saffron
2. Type of packing of saffron
3. Brand power
4. Demand rate
5. Purchasing power of the target society
6. Political and economic conditions inside and outside Iran
7. And…
Affecting factors price of saffron
1. Type of saffron
2. Quality of saffron
3. Saffron export standards
4. Services provided by the provider company
5. And ….
Exporting saffron sales
Where is the Exporting Saffron Shopping Center?
Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business Companies are the saffron sales centers in Iran and in Asian and European countries.
The saffron produced in this center under the supervision of our engineers is marketed in Asian and European markets.
If you want to buy saffron for export, we can offer your order in Iran or in your destination country.