What is the price of a 10 gram package of saffron in saffron King store?
Here we review the sale price list of saffron in Europe to buy saffron from saffron King Company.
This saffron wholesale company offers different types of Iranian saffron to the market.
Contact us to buy saffron
The price of saffron
Recently, the purchase of 10 grams of saffron in the saffron market has been well received.
In this bulk saffron wholesale center, it is done in 10 gram packages according to the customer’s request.
For example, after registering an order for one kilo of premium saffron, you can receive it in 10-gram packages.
All packaged saffron is offered to the market under the saffron King brand.
Contact us to buy saffron and place an order.
Sale price of saffron in Europe
The purchase price of saffron in December in the wholesale market of premium saffron had a steady trend.
So that each kilo of Iranian saffron was bought and sold for about 1.5 Euros and the purchase price of premium saffron was about 1.6 Euros.
You can see the daily price of bulk saffron on this site.
Of course, the purchase price of bulk saffron from this company is fixed during one month.
In the table below, you can see the purchase price list of original saffron and select the option you want.
Saffron King store and buy premium saffron
It is possible to buy premium saffron from saffron King store in most cities.
That means we are simply available in all countries.
Saffron King Store is a wholesaler of pure saffron.
Saffron offered by this premium saffron sales center to the market
The bulk of saffron is bought in weights of one kilogram and half a kilogram
Contact us to buy premium saffron from the company.
Wholesale saffron in Europe
In this saffron wholesale center, different types of saffron are offered to the market this year.
The best-selling saffron in the wholesale market of saffron is Iranian saffron.
In the above part, we checked the price of each kilo of export saffron.
There is an important point to buy a kilo of saffron: the price of saffron varies according to its type and quality.
For example, Iranian saffron is traded in the market at different prices due to the different qualities of this type of saffron.
Do you also want to buy bulk saffron – Iranian saffron?