What is the price of exporting saffron Iranian and saffron per kilo from saffron sales center?
Day price of Ghaenat saffron and first class saffron in Iran is between 1000 and 1.800 Dollar.
But what is the reason for Mashhad’s saffron price difference?
What are the features of the best exporting saffron that are more expensive than other saffron?
Almas Saffron Jahan is under license of Saffron King Business in the Netherlands.

Price of exporting Saffron

Day Price of saffron in the market

If you  have been in saffron market, you’ve probably seen different prices.
But what is the reason for the difference day price of saffron in the market?
The day price of saffron is determined by various factors that we will tell you here.

1. Type of saffron (exporting saffron has 4 types and 16 degrees quality)
2. Quality of saffron
3. Saffron standards
4. The power of Saffron Brand (authentic brands usually sell at higher prices because of their commitment to quality and service)
5.Saffron packaging
6. Pure and impure amount of saffron
7.  Demand rate for saffron in the market

Price list of saffron per kilo

The price list of kilo saffron is regularly available on the website of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies and our telegram channel.
In the following we will consider the day price of saffron in Ghaenat.

If you want to buy saffron in  your country , other Asian countries and in Europe we offer you the best saffron right now. +31613963190 +31644341144

Cost of saffron

Cost of saffron

What is the price of saffron per gram and saffron per kilo in Mashhad saffron market?
First of all, it should be noted that:
Iran is the biggest  producer of saffron in the world. Most saffron produced in Iran is cultivated in Khorasan Razavi, South Khorasan and North Khorasan.

Here is the price list of Saffron per kilo in Toman and USD.
We are active in the field of sales and export of saffron and we have provided you prices for saffron export in CIF.
Saffron cultivated in South Khorasan has higher quality.

Cost of saffron

Advantage of buying saffron

1. You are in direct contact with the supplier and exporter of saffron.
2. The most important advantage for you is that unlike the Iranian saffron market that fluctuates daily, our prices are stable for 30 days (one month).
3 .From the variety of saffron and its different qualities you can easily choose your best.
4. If you want saffron for export, we can offer you the most usable saffron that we produce and export for your market.
5. We are proud to offer your order in your destination country or Iran in the shortest time possible.
6. For orders over 50kg and at the customer’s request, European standard is issued for it.

Advantage of buying saffron

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