Buying Ghaenat saffron in Tehran from exporting saffron center.
Purchase price of Ghaenat saffron in Mashhad and Tehran market is no different.
Below you can see the price list for saffron per kilo in dollars and toman and select the option you want.
We will also consider the factors influencing on the day price of Ghaenat saffron.
What are the types of exporting saffron and what are its features?
be with us.

Purchase Ghaenat saffron in Tehran

What is the price of exporting saffron per kilo?
In the table below you can see the price list for each kilo of saffron produced by Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies and choose your desired one.
Please note that prices are for saffron delivery in Iran.
The price of saffron per kilo is based on the type of saffron and the amount of order for delivery in the destination country in dollar and euro.
Following is the list of exporting saffron purchase prices in weights of 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg.
Orders over 100 kg will be shipped in 100 kg parts.

Purchase Ghaenat saffron in Tehran

Purchase price of Exporting saffron

The lowest price of Ghaenat saffron in the market, in the lowest market volatility, is between 10 and 15 thousand tomans in the domestic market of Iran.
Since each kilogram of saffron is 1000 grams (equivalent to 217 mcg), with knowing the price of each gram of saffron can easily calculate the day price of saffron.
Of course, the day price of a kilo of saffron is a bit cheaper than packaged saffron.

If you want to buy saffron in  your country , other Asian countries and in Europe we offer you the best saffron right now.

Price list to buy saffron per kilo

1. bunch saffron:
The color of the bunch saffron is between 120 and 150 units.bunch saffron  in the National Standard Organization and in standard 259-1’s ranking is class 4 saffron .
2. Pushal saffron:
It has more coloring power and will be about 170-250 units depending on its quality. class1,class2 and class3 filamentous saffron falls into the pushal saffron group.
3. Sargol saffron:
The sargol saffron’s coloring power is higher than the others and about 210 – 260 units . Sargol saffron is more common than other varieties.

Buy different Types of  Saffron

Buy different Types of Saffron

Before we go into the issue of buying Ghaenat saffron in Tehran, we need to keep in mind an important point:
The name of one of the cities of South Khorasan is Ghaenat. Most of the saffron in Iran is produced in this region.
Of course, exporting saffron is also harvested elsewhere, such as Torbat Heydariyeh and Torbat Jam.

Buy different Types of  Saffron

Purchase Price of Iranian saffron

What are the rates of buying and selling saffron in international markets?
As we mentioned earlier, the price of saffron on the world market depends on many factors.
In addition to the above, there are other factors affecting the price of saffron in the world market that must be answered before proceeding to exporting saffron. Buying Exporting saffron

If you want to buy saffron in  your country , other Asian countries and in Europe we offer you the best saffron right now.

Purchase Price of Iranian saffron

Saffron King Business Company

Our company is able to answer all your questions and and supplies you the best saffron in the world.
What is the capacity of the destination country to import saffron?
Which type of saffron is most in demand?
What is the quality of the demand for saffron?
 What is the use of saffron for sale?
How much is saffron deal?
How is the type of service provided?
Which analysis does Saffron have?

Saffron King Business Company

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