Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies have created an opportunity for you to receive your order in Iran, Europe or Georgia.
If you want to buy exporting saffron, you can see the prices of different products thus you can choose the option you want.
You can also contact our experts to buy saffron that we produce and export for the Georgian market. Delivery of saffron in Georgia
Buy saffron in Georgia
At the end of 2020, the purchase price of each kilo of exporting Negin saffron was between 950$ to 1650$
Saffron price varies according to its cutie.
Purchasing saffron from shopping centers and buying saffron from a farmer is different from the prices that some brokers put on saffron.
We are producer of saffron. In one of the villages of Mashhad-Qaenat and also in Afghanistan, we have farmland in Herat city and we cultivate saffron directly and we present saffron to you dears.
Saffron price in the market
How much is the purchase price of saffron today?
The price of saffron is provided daily on the same site and on the ZaffranBusiness Telegram channel by the experts of the Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business companies.
But how much is the saffron in the market?
What is the reason for the difference in daily price of exporting saffron in the market?
Difference in daily price of saffron
The main factors affecting the price of saffron:
1. Type of saffron (Negin, Sargol and Pushal)
2. The quality grade of saffron.
(Each of the 3 types of saffron has 4 quality grades, which are:
A. Negin type: Super Negin, Exporting Negin, Ordinary Negin, like Negin
B. Sargol type: exporting Sargol,, first class Sargol, excellent Sargol
C. Pushal type: exporting Pushal, pen Pushal, ordinary Pushal, weak Pushal)
3. Saffron standards