What is the basis of bulk saffron sold in the wholesale market?
The price list of buying saffron on a daily basis. is in this site thus you can see us Telegram channel.
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Price list of saffron
The determining factor on purchase price of exporting saffron is the type of saffron and the amount of order, therefore it very important to know different types of saffron.
You can see the purchase price list of saffron based on the order amount therefore you can select the option you want.
The price of exporting saffron
How is the price of saffron per kilo in dollars and tomans calculated?
The purchase price of kilo saffron from the Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies is determined on two bases:
1. Delivery of saffron in calculated in Tomans
2. Delivery of saffron in the destination country calculated in dollars and euros
If you want to buy saffron in your country , other Asian countries and in Europe. We offer you the best saffron right now. +31613963190 +31644341144
Saffron in the saffron market

Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies are manufacturers therefore they are exporters of first class exporting saffron.
All saffron production processes are produced and marketed under the supervision of our agricultural engineers, thus there is always big chance to you to buy saffron directly to our companies.
The selling price of different types of saffron varies according to their quality.
Types of saffron produced in Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business companies:
Types of saffron
Negin type saffron
Sargol type saffron
pushal type saffron
Bulk saffron quality in the market

The purchase price of saffron per kilo is determined by various factors, however it is determine by the quality and its type.
1. Geographical area of saffron cultivation
2. Saffron cultivation method (traditional, aeroponic, hydroponic)
3. Saffron drying method (traditional, mechanized, Spanish)
4. Saffron keeping method
Selling of bulk saffron
Saffron King Business

All of these factors are influence in determining the appearance of saffron thus the coloring power of saffron, the amount of saffron aroma, and the volume of saffron.
There are different types of saffron and has got 4 quality grades therefore the price of each grade is difference.