Our company is registered in Europe and is headquartered in Rotterdam.
As you know, we can provide you with the best quality, 100% organic saffron.
In Iran and Afghanistan, we have agricultural saffron and we plant saffron.
The price of saffron in the Netherlands in the online saffron store is between 3 and 5 euros.
But you try not to buy saffron expensively.

Is the price of saffron expensive in the Netherlands?
In the above section, we said that we have a saffron farm in Iran and Afghanistan.
Our supplier has its own growth facilities in Herat.
To improve the production process, a lot of investment has been made to grow the best types of saffron as well as automate the whole process.
Of course, the purpose of this work is to maximize the quality of the final product, from planting to harvesting onions, peeling, weeding, plowing and of course drying.
The price of saffron in Saffron King Company is 0.80 cents to 1 Euro 20 cents.

Quality saffron and organic saffron
We offer you 100% organic saffron at a very good price.
After the saffron cultivation process and after the planting and harvesting process, the saffron is transferred to the headquarters in Herat, Afghanistan.
The on-site laboratory ensures that the product meets international quality standards.
Saffron is also packaged and transported here.

Types of saffron in the European market
Negin saffron is one of the best types of saffron and is very similar to ordinary saffron straw.
But the main difference is that this figure has longer saffron threads and is also thicker.
The color strength of this type of saffron is approximately 250 usp and guarantees intense coloring.
Saffron is sold in the European market.
Saffron King Company is a seller of organic saffron and a supplier of high quality saffron in the Netherlands and throughout Europe.

Organic saffron and buy saffron
Buyers of saffron and consumers of saffron are looking for organic, healthy and of course pure saffron.
The price of saffron (the purchase price of saffron) is also very important for saffron customers.
Our supplier does not use any chemical sources for cultivation.
Therefore, the natural saffron of Afghanistan and the Iranian saffron that we cut does not contain pesticides and other substances.
So be sure that our saffron does not pose any health risk.
Meanwhile, the price of each kilo of saffron in our company is between 980 € and 1200 € Euros.

Pure saffron in Saffron King Company
We guarantee the quality of our saffron.
Pure Afghan saffron and pure Iranian saffron can be distinguished by the color of saffron threads.
If the upper part of the threads is not somewhat orange, this indicates that it is better to use a red color to make saffron more expensive and the eyes.
In addition, there should be no broken wires under the pot.
This indicates that saffron is mixed with counterfeit saffron.
Finally, it is important to know that no yellow or white parts are visible, these are the other parts of the plant.

Fresh saffron and selling price of saffron
pure Iranian saffron and high quality saffron in our company is 900 to 1200 Euros.
Features of fresh saffron; Fresh saffron can be recognized by its color and aroma.
The color of saffron yarns (strands) should be strong red with a light orange color at the top.
In addition, the perfume should be strong and not soft.
Contact us to buy saffron. We offer you the best fresh Afghan saffron and Iranian saffron in the Netherlands.