What is the purchase price of saffron Mancha for export in euros and dollars? What saffron can be exported?
In the following, we will consider the features of different types of saffron and the price of the original exporting saffron. To buy saffron Mancha from this best saffron sales center.
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Price list of saffron in Euro
In this section, we provide you the purchase price list of exporting saffron in weights of 1 to 100 kg in euros. The price of exporting saffron in saffron King Business company is in 2 ways:
1. Delivery of saffron in Europe, in which case the prices are in Euros
2. Delivery of saffron in other countries, in which case the prices are in dollars
Prices also vary based on the order quantity so contact our experts to buy exporting Mancha saffron in Spain and place an order.

Import of saffron to Europe
Also, in this section, the prices of other saffron that are generally common and offered in the saffron market are provided to you. In general, there are 4 types and 16 grades of quality saffron Mancha, the prices of each of which are different. In the table below, you will see the price of saffron per kilo for each country. Contact our experts to buy exporting saffron and Import of saffron to Europe place an order to buy Exporting Mancha saffron

Features of exporting Pure saffron
Diagnosis of original exporting Pure saffron is done only through laboratories and some techniques but here we will consider some home methods to identify the original saffron.
• The branches of the Pure saffron stigma have three branches and the upper part of it is a horn that becomes narrower the lower.
• hot water or milk, counterfeit saffron stigmas in the water quickly release their pigments.
The original saffron after a few minutes, each milligram of genuine saffron stains 700 cc of water noticeably.
• print paper : Pressed between two sheets to determine if there is oil or other material on the sheet.

Buying saffron per kilo
What saffron can we export? Some people know Super Negin saffron (Pure saffron) as exporting ? Of course, the saffron we export has got the good quality but there is an important secret in the saffron trade.
For example, Super Negin saffron, which is the top saffron.
Why do some people export this type of saffron and succeed and some are unsuccessful?
In response, it is to mention that every market demands a certain type of saffron and a certain quality. The secret to success in the saffron business is to choose the saffron that suits your market. Saffron King Business Company makes some of its products for the market of different countries.

Sale of saffron in Europe
Saffron King Business Company is one of the best saffron, Sale of saffron in Europe in most Asian and European countries.
If you are new to the field of saffron buying and selling and are not familiar with the types of saffron, we can provide you with our export experience and offer you the best saffron and the same type of saffron that we produce and export for your destination country.

Saffron Price – Buying Saffron
In your opinion, what is the purchase price of the best saffron in Europe?
Please note that all types of saffron and its quality grades that we supply are under the supervision of Saffron King Business experts.
Therefore, it may be different with different types and grades of saffron in the saffron market.