The price of hot-packed saffron and the price of premium kilo saffron vary in Spain.
Spain sells Iranian saffron in various and beautiful packages in the European saffron market.
The price of each gram of Mancha saffron is 680 Euros. Store saffron king, original mancha saffron in packaging
0.25 grams of original premium saffron
• 0.5 grams of premium premium saffron
• 1 gram of original premium saffron
Sells in the Spanish market.
We are the producer of original Iranian saffron. The price of each gram of original saffron in the online saffron store does not change much.
Hot sale and partial sale of premium Iranian saffron is more common in Spain.

Sale and export of saffron to Spain
Sales and exports of saffron to Spain are mainly done in the form of bulk sales of exported saffron.
Our companies are engaged in the sale and export of premium Iranian saffron. We export original Mancha saffron and super Negin saffron for export and other types of pure saffron to Spain at the price of production.
Saffron King Business Company The export of original Iranian saffron in our stores is very convenient and at the production price of the excellent saffron exporter to Spain.

Click here to buy saffron 0031613963190
What is the selling price of bulk saffron in Europe?
The selling price of saffron in Europe is different for different types of premium Iranian saffron.
For example, the price of each kilo of Negin saffron in Europe is between 800 and 1200 Euros, or the bulk sale price of Mancha saffron is 6800 Euros.
Saffron King Business Company Located in Europe.
We sell export straw saffron, restaurant saffron and other types of premium Iranian saffron in bulk and kilo saffron sales and hot sale and original saffron in Europe at the production price.
The selling price of bulk saffron is more appropriate than the selling price of hot-packed saffron.
Our agencies in various European countries, including the Netherlands and Germany, sell Mancha saffron in bulk saffron and at production prices throughout Europe.

Wholesale bulk saffron and kilo saffron
King Saffron Store is a supplier of premium bulk saffron from Spain.
Wholesale bulk saffron is cheaper than partial and hot sale of original saffron.
We are a producer of premium Iranian saffron and a wholesaler of saffron.
We offer pure Iranian saffron and Afghan saffron in bulk with premium bulk saffron at production prices to all countries.
Sales of Mancha saffron per kilogram in European countries are more profitable.
Contact us to buy Manja saffron 0031613963190

Price per kilo of saffron in the Spanish market
The price of each kilo of saffron in the Spanish market depends on the quality of premium saffron and the type of Iranian saffron.
The price of each kilo of Iranian saffron in the Spanish market is between 750 and 930 euros.
The type and quality of Iranian saffron packaging and the weight of partial packages of original saffron affect the price of saffron in the Spanish market.
Sales of mancha saffron are booming in Spain. The price of each kilo of Mancha saffron is 750 euros. Of course, this is the price per kilogram of Mancha saffron in King Saffron store.
The price of each kilo of Negin Saffron for export and the price of each kilo of other types of premium Iranian saffron are available on the sites of the online saffron store.
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