What is the purchase price of exporting Negin Saffron in the saffron market?
What is the price of saffron per kilo in the exporting saffron sales center?
The purchase price of exporting Negin Saffron per kilo is between $ 1175 to $ 1457, Of course, the price of saffron varies according to the carat of saffron. Buying saffron from shopping centers and buying saffron from a farmer is different from the prices that some profiteers put on saffron.

Super Negin saffron per kilo
This type of saffron is only for those people who care about quality. In terms of buying saffron, two issues play a major role. First the quality of saffron and then the price of saffron. Super Negin saffron is one of the best exporting saffron. The most extraordinary quality in terms of color and flavor can only be seen in Super Negin saffron. Due to the excellent features of this type of saffron, it is ready for export only at harvest time. Super Negin saffron has the highest coloring power. The coloring power or the same (Crocin) of this type of saffron is 270.
You can contact our experts to buy saffron and place an order.

Buy Pushal saffron
First, let’s talk about what is Pushal Negin saffron. Negin Pushal saffron is a special type of Pushal saffron. In this type, the three-branched strands of red and thick stigma without the creamy part (yellow) are separated from the strands and the result will be bulky saffron. Production and sale of Negin Pushal saffron, due to the time-consuming and costly process and more activity required for processing, usually has a decreasing trend in different years.
Please contact us to buy saffron

Negin Saffron Shopping Center
There are various saffron shopping centers from Saffron King Business Company in markets around the world. Saffron shopping center means a place. As we mentioned before, Super Negin saffron is only for export. This type of saffron is usually rare in major markets. Some of them as custom-made saffron has a small amount of this type of saffron during the harvest season. Saffron King Business Company, as a manufacturer and exporter of various types of saffron, can offer you different weights of Super Negin saffron in all seasons so you can contact our experts to buy saffron and place an order.

Price list of saffron per kilogram
We are producer of saffron, so the prices of this company will not fluctuate often during a month but the price of saffron per kilo this month is slightly different from the previous month and the next month. In the following, you can see the daily price of exporting saffron and select the option you want. In the following, you can see the purchase price list of kg saffron in the weights of 1 to 10 kg, 10 to 25 kg, 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg and select the option you want.